Welcome to the Middle School Students Page!
This page is your go-to resource for important student information, including grades, school policies, and key dates. Whether you need to check the calendar, review the handbook, or understand attendance expectations, you'll find student resource needs here.
Stay on top of your academic progress by checking your grades regularly. Log into our student portal to view assignments, test scores, and teacher feedback. If you have questions or need help, reach out to your teachers or school counselor.
Keep track of important school events and activities. Check the calendar frequently to stay informed about upcoming school happenings.
Also follow us on social media for frequent school updates. https://www.facebook.com/rlsdpride/
The student handbook outlines school policies, expectations, and guidelines to help you have a successful school year. Be sure to review it to understand behavior expectations, dress code, and academic policies.
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is essential for success. If you need to be absent, a parent or guardian must notify the school office. Students are responsible for making up any missed work. Excessive absences may require a meeting with school administration.